Lakewood Tacoma apartments, Chambers Court Apartments, Dupont, Washington, near, JBLM, Western State Hospital, one bedroom apartment.

Chambers Court Apartments, Lakewood, Tacoma, WA
Chambers Court Apartments, Lakewood, Tacoma, WA
Chambers Court Apartments, Lakewood, Tacoma, WA
Chambers Court Apartments, Lakewood, Tacoma, WA

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Lakewood Tacoma apartments, Chambers Court Apartments, Dupont, Washington, near, JBLM, Western State Hospital, one bedroom apartment. apartments, rentals, Tacoma apartments, Lakewood apartments, military housing.
One Bedroom Apartments Available
8412 Steilacoom Blvd, WA 98498
Phone: 253-584-7238 (office) | 253-507-0190 (cell)